
This is unlike anything else on the market
because YOU are unlike anyone else.

You're not just hustling in the margins; you're running a business and making it rain. You're managing your home, teaching your kids to be great humans right alongside their academics, and growing yourself in the process.

You deserve resources and support as unique and amazing as you are.

Hi, I'm Jen...fellow CEO and homeschooling mom.

I’ve been blending entrepreneurship and homeschool since 2003.

After building two businesses to the 7-figures + two into multi 6-figures. I have learned a thing or two about building a business alongside homeschooling four kids, including the realization that we don’t fit into the regular “business” box, and we certainly can’t fit into the traditional “homeschool” box. We may try, but there’s no way that we can find TRUE success by following women who only understand half our life.

For women like us, it’s business + homeschool, not one or the other. It doesn’t mean it’s easy, but we simply don’t let those struggles define us.

We rise up to meet them head-on with unique solutions and smart strategy, plus a whole lot of understanding and grace.

There is no one-size-fits-all to business or homeschooling...but these resources will still fit pretty great! That's because they were designed for YOU, your KIDS, your HOMESCHOOL, and your BUSINESS.

If you want to get to join an awesome community of like-minded women, come join our free Facebook community here.


And be sure to stay up-to-date on the latest in the shop, the awesome community conversation, and more by joining our email list.


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